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Origami Kawasaki Rose making guide

This is what the model looks like. Notice the darkened line, and compare it with the diagram in step 22. Repeat this with all 4 flaps.

Kawasaki Rose               4/5

Designer: Toshikazu Kawasaki Diagrammed By: Winson Chan

Revision: 2.1

Date: 4/29/96

This is what the model looks like after the inside reverse fold on each flap. It is essential that the hole in the centre is as small as possible. Try pulling on the flaps to reduce the side if the hole. Next, do a outside reverse fold(on the two layers) so that is wraps back around the model.

The underside of the completed rose. The rose is now essentially done. Flip the rose over, reform the centre by inserting a finger and rotating it clockwise as in step XX. Form petals into desired shape. The rose is now complete

This is what the model looks like after one outside reverse fold. Notice how we have now refolded steps 13 to 16.Now do the same on the remaining 3 flaps so that the four flaps overlap each other. The last fold is the most difficult.

Inside Reverse Fold


A very poor drawing of the top of the rose. I'll fix it in my next revision!

Have Fun!

The Kawasaki Rose was taught to me ( the diagrammer) by Joseph Wu, who was taught by Toshikazu Kawasaki at the Convention in New York in 1994.

You can make copies of these diagrams for personal use and for friends, but do not make large number of copies for wide distribution (i.e. at a Convention).© 1996

Kawasaki Rose


Designer: Toshikazu Kawasaki

Diagrammed By: Winson Chan

Revision: 2.1

Date: 4/29/96


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